Cloud News Article Share – Newsweek Nov 1, 2008

 Sharing an interesting article in Newsweek:

Today’s Forecast: Cloudy

Newsweek, Daniel Lyons; November 1, 2008

Newsweek discusses the technology trend of cloud computing, noting, “Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems used to call it "the big friggin’ web-tone switch" ("Web tone" being the digital successor to "ringtone"). IBM dubbed it "on-demand computing." Others have called it "grid computing" and "software as a service." The latest name is "cloud computing," and it’s the hot new dance craze—er, tech trend—that’s sweeping the computing industry.” Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, speaking at a conference recently, said of the cloud phenomenon, "Maybe I’m an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about. What is it? It’s complete gibberish. It’s insane.” The basic idea is simple enough. Instead of storing your data on your PC, you store it on a server on the Internet. You don’t know, or care, where that server is located. Your data might, in fact, be scattered across a bunch of different servers. It’s just all up in the sky someplace (hence the name "cloud").

The "big friggin’ web-tone switch"?  Go Scott!

Author: Ynema Mangum

Ynema Mangum is an experienced, data-driven product manager.

2 thoughts on “Cloud News Article Share – Newsweek Nov 1, 2008”

  1. Do you have a launch date for the new from Sun? This week I’m hosting my business on Amazon’s EC2 and S3 cloud services. Today I got an email from RightScale offering a webinar on cloud best practices. Yesterday I received an email from Salesforce saying how their new hosting services are compatible with Amazon Web Services. Yes, I hear nothing from Sun and see a placeholder site at – no services on offer today, and no launch date?

  2. Hi, Kevin! It’s awesome that you’re interested in I’m against doing a "me to" or cloudwashing press release. So, we’re not going to publicly share the launch date or plans for the new, but expect to do so before the end of the year. And, I’m really excited about what we have in development.
    If you give me your info, I’ll let you know when we have our new services online. You can also follow me on Twitter or connect with me on LinkedIn or Facebook (links on the right side of my blog). You’ll see updates there as well.
    Take care!

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